Running life: day 7

Wednesday come and I went to run. I almost didn't, then I got home, simply changed and went.

The good feeling continued. I had mainly pain in calves and shins... that, as we know by now, is the thing that worries me.

Anyway. I run, stopped just 3 times (2 at the traffic light, going and coming back, 1 for stretching).

It was way easier that the first 2 times, I even thought I managed to increase the time a lot. I wasn't right... basically the same exact time, maybe some minute by km less. But I was disappointed when I saw it.

And at the end, the usual nice relaxing feeling as shown in the picture below:

But... I feel better... the sad thing is that today I will not go. I am already sit down at my desk and giving no shits... sad me...


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