Amsterdam: week 1 + 3 days

Slowly things are getting better.

I've got a place to live in, I've got some people that I start to know, I've got a route that I run to getting back into shape. I've got 2 favourite bars for breakfast and café, one on the east side and one on the west side of town (well... calling Amsterdam a town it's not right, but the feeling that I've got since the first time I came here is that it is a city, but with the spirit of a town... I cannot explain it in a different way, but it is a good thing!).
And the favourite bar in which take a beer.

And in 1 or 2 weeks maximum I will also have a bike! Am I not a perfect Dutch?!? No, not yet. I have to learn at least how to say "Hello" and "Goodbye" in Dutch!

But it will come, with time and practice it will come.


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