
Showing posts from December, 2018

Losing hope is easy...

We have lost. Humanity is going down a spiral that... well... is shitty. Wow... strong words, I know. Truth is that I'm in Krakow, Poland. It's Sunday evening and I've done nothing the whole day. My love is far away, at home, and I've been here for too long. Nick Offerman (Ron Swanson in Park and Recs, for you series fans out there) said that he and his wife (Megan Mulally... another precious actress) decided early in their marriage that they would not accept jobs if it would have kept them apart more than 2 weeks. I agree with them, 1 week is ok, 2 weeks is bearable, but 3 weeks it's already too much being apart from your loved ones. And this month has been, hopefully, the last one. We'll see. But... "we've lost", I was saying. G20 meeting was down there in Argentina and humanity lost. That was plainly clear since Trump was elected, since I never doubted that any kind of policy he would be approve would have been absolutely against any ...