Piking at 43? ... naaaahh...

So much time as passed, and again I come back to this pages trying, again, to relate my thoughts, experiences and whatnot.
Life has evolved since... April 2017. More than a year has passed, lots of water under the bridge. And I find myself in a sweet spot, good as could be, after few years of struggling...

Since I arrived in the Netherlands I started again playing football... 7 a side, 6 a side... lately I started 11 a side again, after almost 10 years since my last match. It's a lower league, in the Netherlands people are crazy for sports so that every level of football, hockey, darts competitions can be found. But it's still on a full pitch and 90 minutes... and even if the team in which I started to be invited (some matches here and there) is not the best... better... normal... worst... ehm... well, other teams are not that bad. And I found out that being put in my old position in the middle of the midfield, I can still enjoy a full match. My fitness is low, my speed is even slower, but I keep up, I grind out and something comes up from my feet still.

So I kind of decided that maybe next year (the seasons is almost over) I will try to play the whole season as a regular (not all the matches... that I have a new and more important commitment to attend to and that will always come first) and try to bring up my fitness to something at least... human-like?
And see what it comes from it.

Again... low level... low average fitness and low technical/tactical skills... but at 43... hey... give me a break!


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