Louis CK and being an innovator

I don't know if you know who Louis C.K. is.I hope you do, because if you do your life is a better life.

Who is he? He is a comedian.

This is an easy label. And quite wrong, but helps to start understanding. He is a comedian, actor, director, producer, editor... and the list goes on. Ah, and father. And divorced. And ginger.

Don't know if this explains something more. It's a bit more precise, though, and detailed.

But even the above list leaves something out. One thing it leaves out is that he is a fucking genius, the second is that he is an innovator.

I discovered him by chance 2 years ago. I was watching a show of Robin Williams (sadness...) on youtube and in the videos on the right he appeared.
I discovered that he is incredibly funny, clever and has a unbelievable insight on human condition and psychology. Usually comedians got this, but he got it at an extreme high level. I looked for his shows and discovered that he was offering them, DRM free, on his website at a really reasonable charge (5 dollars... FIVE DOLLARS).

I bought them all. And every time something from him comes out, I buy it.

Why innovator? Because, as far as I know, no one as ever did something like this on a big scale. He is huge now, meaning that his name is the biggest in USA comedy, and even if he is the best, he doesn't sell through the huge, mainstream companies. He sells his work on his website, no intermediaries, no shit. And it's incredibly good work (even if in the last 1 hour show, I felt some disconnections in the flow of the show... but hey, I cried so much when I saw it the first time that fuck myself!).

And 4 weeks ago I received an e-mail from his website (he seldom send some even if you are a registered user). What was happening? Well, without telling anybody (kinda) he had been producing a new series: Horace and Pete.
It was the first episode, 1 hour, 5 dollars.
Now we are at the 4th episode, every time announced by an e-mail and buy-able on the website, more or less same length and same price.

Steve Buscemi is in it. Alan Alda is in it.

It's a weird series, lot of talk, lot of normal human problems. For example one episode is 40 minutes of dialog between 2 persons sitting at a table. Impressive. I could not stop watching.

Louis C.K. is a genius. And I stop there, but the things I've written above are not the reasons why he his. You can find yourself if you want.

Ah... and he is fat.


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