Jurassic World: good entertainment, bad movie

I never watched the Jurassic movies. Maybe some scene here and there. But not one complete movie. Or at least I don't remember it.

But after the best pizza in Amsterdam (Fuoco Vivo) we decided that it a good idea as was the second part of the night: Jurassic World!!

First a minute to curse the 3D. Hate it. I watched the movie, didn't think it was so spectacular, watch the trailer the next day and discovered that on my laptop's screen I was seeing colors that I just imagined during the vision at the cinema! Bad, bad 3D!

Than the movie. SPOILERS START! ---------------------------------\

1. high heels in the jungle is not a good idea
2. a company with as chain of command 2 persons... maybe not a great company
3. road bike in the middle of the forest and you never slide or fall?
4. the most dangerous dinosaurs ever, you finally have got it in front of you and you don't shoot immediately?
5. when finally you shoot with whatever you have, including machine guns and a bazooka, you don't even hurt it at least a bit?
6. a park in a hilly island, covered in tropical forest, full of animals to control, and there is only one helicopter and one pilot?
7. at one point is full day, change of scene and it's night
8. what happened to all of the attacking and marauding flying dinosaurs? Did they decided that it was enough?

SPOILERS END! -----------------------------------------------------------------/
I could go on and on. Too many errors, plot holes, stupid things, to say that this is a good or a not bad movie. This is a bad movie.

But it's wonderful entertainment. I enjoyed the scenes, the sceneries, the dinosaurs, some of the combats. But, come on, it's a movie for 13 years old and not too clever. That's why it's earning so much: it's perfect in a world were we learned to be a-critical.

I am critical... a lot.


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